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F5 by Nutra Clipse is possibly the strongest preworkout we have designed to date. F5 was formulated with the strength athlete in mind. Beta testers reported a huge increase in focus & energy, mind blowing pumps and endless stamina in the gym. below is a quick rundown of the ingredient profile.

Amentoflavone is a new stimulant that increases calcium uptake in the muscle for more powerful contraction. We also have a strong dose of Betaine Anhydrous and Huperzine A.

What benefits will NutraClipse F5 provide?

Helps stimulate the brain to provide a feeling of well being

Helps you stay focused

Insane Energy

Lazer Focus

Insuline Sensitivity




Ingredient overview

Citrulline Malate is a combination of the amino acid Citruline, which is involved in the urea cycle and Malate, a tricarboxycylic acid cycle (TCA) intermediate – the TCA cycle is a major producer of aerobic energy within the mitochondria. Citrulline Malate has many positive effects on aerobic exercise performance including: 1) increased aerobic production of energy; 2) Improved stamina and fatigue resistance, and; 3) improved recovery and energy levels.

Agmatine is naturally produced in the body by the breakdown of arginine. Supplementing with agmatine sulfate does many of the same things that arginine should do, but it seems to be much more effective. Agmatine sulfate has many benefits to the bodybuilder or athlete. The benefits if agmatine sulfate include enhanced muscle pumps, better nutrient partitioning (more calories are shuttled towards muscle tissue and less are stored as fat), and increased production of luteinizing hormone and growth hormone. Agmatine sulfate appears to boost muscle pumps in a couple different ways. First, agmatine sulfate may improve nutrient partitioning, leading to more muscle glycogen (carbohydrates stored in muscle tissue) stored and consequently more water retained in the muscle. This can lead to a full look to the muscle and increase muscle pumps. Second, agmatine sulfate also appears to increase nitric oxide production by acting as a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase. The nutrient partitioning effects of agmatine may be due to its possible ability to increase the insulin response to carbohydrates, and it may also have something to do with the increased blood flow to the muscle experienced with increased nitric oxide production. Agmatine sulfate may play a role in the hypothalamic control of luteinizing hormone and growth hormone release, leading to increased levels of these hormones.

Creatine is combined with phosphorus to form creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine) in the body. The high-energy phosphates stored in creatine phosphate are then used to rapidly convert ADP (adenosine diphosphate) back to ATP (adenosine triphos-phate). Like ATP, creatine is essential for short duration, high intensity exercise. When muscles are used to lift weights or to perform any kind of work, ATP is broken down to ADP and energy is released. The amount of ATP stored in the muscle will only fuel a maximum effort such as lifting a weight for 10 to 15 seconds. After that, the muscle must rely on creatine phosphate to restock its supply of ATP. Creatine promotes intense lifting by replenish the necessary energy molecule ATP. Another benefit is that creatine buffers the development of lactic acid allowing for a more enduring workout. In conclusion: by supplementing creatine, you will be able to do more reps with a given weight, or the same number with a heavier weight.

Phenylethylamine or Phenethylamine (PEA) is a natural monoamine alkaloid, trace amine, and also the name of a class of chemicals with many members well known for psychoactive drug and stimulant effects. Studies suggest that phenylethylamine functions as a neuromodulator or neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. It is biosynthesized from the amino acid phenylalanine by enzymatic decarboxylation. Phenethylamine is found in many other organisms and foods such as chocolate.

Phenethylamine, similar to amphetamine in its action, releases norepinephrine and dopamine. Abnormally low concentrations of endogenous phenethylamine are found in those suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and often in clinical depression.

Caffeine & Mental Performance

Caffeine is known to improve mental performance. Several recent prospective cohort studies have demonstrated that caffeine increases key aspects of cognitive function related to alertness. In one study, participants used the words “vigor”, “efficiency”, “energy”, and “clear-headedness” to describe their moods after consuming caffeine.1 Research has also shown that caffeine consumption has the ability to improve memory and reasoning in sleep-deprived individuals.2 Alertness and performance also improved.3 The consumption of caffeine may benefit consumers through improvements in their performance at school and work. Additionally, a study done by the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research demonstrated that consumption of at least three cups of coffee per day (or approximately 300 mg caffeine*) is associated with a slower rate of decline in cognitive abilities in women.4 This suggests that caffeine intake could help keep mental and memory skills sharper for a longer period of time in older individuals. These beneficial effects also appear to increase with age.

Caffeine & Physical Performance

There is evidence that caffeine can improve physical performance. In a study on recreational athletes, the consumption of 6mg/kg body weight of caffeine – roughly 490 mg caffeine for a 180 lb. male, or about five cups of coffee – significantly increased muscle endurance during brief, intense exercise. Prior to a maximum effort run, caffeine consumption of 5 mg/kg body weight – roughly 295 mg caffeine for a 130 lb. female, or about three cups of coffee – resulted in significantly greater anaerobic metabolism and improved athletic performance among recreational runners.5 In addition, a study conducted on cyclists found that consuming 6 mg caffeine per kg body weight (about 355 mg for a 130 lb person, or three to four cups of coffee)improved performance times during a cycling trial, regardless of whether caffeine was ingested one hour before exercise or in a series of doses throughout the trial.

Difference Between Caffeine & Theobromine

Unlike caffeine, theobromine has three methyl groups instead of two, and the presence of an additional methyl group slows the clearance of theobromine from the body. Thus, theobromine is a longer acting substance than caffeine.

Although theobromine is related to caffeine and exerts similar effects, theobromine does not affect the body through central nervous system stimulation. Instead, it induces muscular relaxation of the smooth muscle tissue. However, the presence of an additional methyl group increases its half-life and slows system clearance – thus making its effects longer lasting.

There are benefits for people of all ages from taking Theobromine, as a supplement, and it allows you to enjoy all the energy boosting and positive mental aspects of eating chocolate with none of the high calorie and high fat drawbacks.

Recommended dosage

Start with one level scoop to assess tolerance. Max dose is 2 scoops on an empty stomach, 30 minutes prior to your workout.


As with any supplement, check with your physician prior to use. Do not use this product if you have any current or previous medical condition of any kind. Such conditions may include but are not limited to high or low blood pressure, stroke, arrhythmias or palpitations. Any heart, thyroid, or liver condition. Seizures, anxiety or depression, prostate enlargement or inflammation. Do not use if you are nursing or pregnant. Do not use if you are taking an MAOI. If any adverse symptoms occur discontinue use immediately and consult a physician. Keep out of reach of children. DO NOT take for more than 8-10 weeks without an 8-10 week off period.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.


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